- Books and Journal Issues
- Articles in Journals
- Chapters in Books
- Conference Papers
- Research Reports
- Other Publications
Books and Journal Issues
- A. Sabiescu, A. de Moor and N. Memarovic, eds. (2019). Special Issue: The Role of Culture in Community Technology Design, AI & Society, 34(3). [Publ]
- B. Whitworth & A. de Moor, eds. (2009). Handbook of Research on Socio-Technical Design and Social Networking Systems, IGI, Hershey, PA, ISBN 978-1-60566-264-0. [Publ]
- M. Hepp, P. De Leenheer, A. de Moor, Y. Sure, eds. (2008). Ontology Management: Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications, Semantic Web and Beyond: Computing for Human Experience series, Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-0-387-69899-1. [Publ]
- A. de Moor and F. De Cindio, eds. (2007). Special Issue: Community Informatics and Systems Design, Journal of Community Informatics, 3(1). [Publ]
- A. de Moor and M. Gurstein, eds. (2006). Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Community Informatics (COMINF 2006), in R. Meersman et al., eds., OTM Workshops 2006, Montpellier, France, October 29 – November 3, LNCS 4277, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 147-310. [Publ]
- Proceedings of the 1st International Pragmatic Web Conference, 21-23 September, 2006, Stuttgart, Germany. Lecture Notes in Informatics, German Computer Society (GI), ISBN 978-3-88579-183-6. [Publ]
- A. de Moor, S. Polovina, and H. Delugach, eds. (2006). Proceedings of the 1st ICCS Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop (CS-TIW 2006), Aalborg, Denmark, July 16. Aalborg University Press, ISBN 87-7307-769-0. [Publ]
- P. Spyns, A. de Moor, E. Duval, and L. Aroyo, eds. (2005). Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Ontologies, Semantics, and E-Learning, in R. Meersman et al., eds., OTM Workshops 2005, Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 31 – November 4, LNCS 3762, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1147-1225. [Publ]
- A. de Moor, W. Lex, and B. Ganter, eds. (2003). Conceptual Structures for Knowledge Creation and Communication: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2003), July 21-25, Dresden, Germany, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 2746. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, ISBN 3-540-40576-3. [Publ]
- B. Ganter and A. de Moor, eds. (2003). Using Conceptual Structures: Contributions to ICCS 2003. Shaker-Verlag: Aachen, ISBN 3-8322-1705-3. [Publ]
- H. Weigand, G. Goldkuhl, and A. de Moor, eds. (2003). Proc. of the 8th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modeling (LAP 2003), July 1-2, Tilburg, the Netherlands, ISBN 90-5668-119-2. [Publ]
- A. de Moor (1999). Empowering Communities: A Method for the Legitimate User-Driven Specification of Network Information Systems. Ph.D. thesis, Tilburg University, October 1999, ISBN 90-5668-055-2. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
Articles in Journals
- A. de Moor (2020). Smart Cities: Heading Toward Panopticons or Smart Societies?, ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, Vol.49, No.3, pp.16-17. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- Suchá, L. Z., Štefek, R. N. T., de Moor, A., Svitáková, J. B., Škyřík, E. B. P., Buchtová, B., & Víchová, E. (2020). Designing an Incubator for Social Innovations in Libraries: Learnings from the Research through Design Approach, Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal, Vol.47, pp.215-236. [Publ]
- A. de Moor (2020). Increasing the Collective Impact of Climate Action with Participatory Community Network Mapping, Livingmaps Review, No.8. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. Sabiescu, A. de Moor, and N. Memarovic (2019). Opening up the culture black box in community technology design, AI & Society, 34(3):393-402. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2018). Participatory Collaboration Mapping in Malawi: Making Mike’s Community Informatics Idea(l)s Work, The Journal of Community Informatics, 14(2-3):109-115. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2018). A Community Network Ontology for Participatory Collaboration Mapping: Towards Collective Impact, Information, 9(7): art.no.151. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- S. Copeland and A. de Moor (2018). Community Digital Storytelling for Collective Intelligence: towards a Storytelling Cycle of Trust. AI & Society, 33(1):101-111. [Abstract][Publ] [PDF (read-only)] [PDF (download)]
- A. de Moor (2017). CommunitySensor: Towards a Participatory Community Network Mapping Methodology. The Journal of Community Informatics, 13(2):35-58. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2015). Communities in Context: Towards Taking Control of Their Tools in Common(s). The Journal of Community Informatics, 11(2) [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- N. White, R. Cardone and A. de Moor (2014). Learning 3.0: Collaborating for Impact in Large Development Organizations. Knowledge Management for Development Journal, 10(3):21-37
[Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- J. Kircz and A. de Moor (2011). Inspraak met Beleid. Openbaar Bestuur, Juni/Juli 2011:31-36 [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2010). Reconstructing Civil Society with Intermedia Communities. AI & Society, 25(3):279-289 [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2009). Moving Community Informatics Research Forward. Journal of Community Informatics, 5(1). [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2007). Using System Dynamics to Construct Design Theory for Community Information Systems. Journal of Community Informatics, 3(1). [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and F. De Cindio (2007). Beyond Users to Communities – Designing Systems As Though Communities Matter: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Community Informatics, 3(1). [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand and A. de Moor (2007). Linking Event-Driven and Communication-Oriented Business Modeling. Systems, Signs & Actions, 3(1):77-92 (This article is a revised version of the paper published in LAP 2005) [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and H. Weigand (2007). Formalizing the Evolution of Virtual Communities. Information Systems, 32(2):223-247. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- P. De Leenheer, A. de Moor, and R. Meersman (2007). Context Dependency Management in Ontology Engineering: A Formal Approach. Journal on Data Semantics, VIII:26-56, LNCS 4380, Springer. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and H. Weigand (2006). Effective Communication in Virtual
Adversarial Collaborative Communities. Journal of Community Informatics, 2(2):223-247. (This article is an extended version of the paper presented at ICA 2004) [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- M. Schoop, A. de Moor, and J. Dietz (2006). The Pragmatic Web: A Manifesto. Communications of the ACM, 49(5):75-76. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and M. Aakhus (2006). Argumentation Support: From Technologies to Tools. Communications of the ACM, 49(3):93-98. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and H. Weigand (2004). Business Negotiation Support: Theory and Practice. International Negotiation, 9(1):31-57. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- M. Heng and A. de Moor (2003). From Habermas’s Communicative Theory to Practice on the Internet. Information Systems Journal, 13(4):331-352. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand and A. de Moor (2003). Workflow Analysis withCommunication Norms. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 47(3):349-369. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand, M. Schoop, A. de Moor, and F. Dignum (2003). B2B Negotiation Support: The Need for a Communication Perspective. Group Decision and Negotiation, 12(1):3-29. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- B. Whitworth and A. de Moor (2003). Legitimate by Design: Towards Trusted Socio-Technical Systems. Behaviour & Information Technology, 22(1):31-51. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2002). Language/Action Meets Organisational Semiotics: Situating Conversations with Norms. Information Systems Frontiers, 4(3):257-272. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and R. Peterson (2001). Facilitating the Evolution of Electronic Healthcare Networks: Framing the Changing Socio-Technical System. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 3(5/6):366-385. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand and A. de Moor (2001). A Framework for the Normative Analysis of Workflow Loops. ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, 22(2):38-40. (This article is a revised version of the paper published in LAP 2001) [Abstract] [Publ]
- A. de Moor and M.A. Jeusfeld (2001). Making Workflow Change Acceptable. Requirements Engineering, 6(2):75-96. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand, A. de Moor and W.J. van den Heuvel (2000). Supporting the Evolution of Workflow Patterns for Virtual Communities. In: B.F. Schmid, U. Lechner, K. Stanoevska-Slabeva, Y.-H. Tan: EM – Communities & Platforms. Electronic Markets, 10(4):264-271 (This article is a revised version of the paper published in HICSS 2000) [Abstract] [Publ]
- A. de Moor (1998). Information Tools for Sustainable Development: Enabling Distributed Human Intelligence. Journal of Failure & Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management, 2(1):21-31. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (1996). Toward a More Structured Use of Information Technology in the Research Community. The American Sociologist, 27(1):91-101. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
Chapters in Books
- A. de Moor (2015). Een Stadse Boeren Community Moet Je Samen Opkweken. In M. Bol, T. Cornet (eds.), Stadse Boeren voor Leefbaarheid: De Kracht van Groene Lijm, De Conceptenbouwers, Den Bosch. ISBN 978-90-823832-0-1. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2014). Expanding the Academic Research Community – Building Bridges into Society with the Internet. In T. Denison, M. Sarrica, and L. Stillman (eds.), Theories, Practices, and Examples for Community and Social Informatics, Monash University Publishing, Melbourne. ISBN 978-1-921867-62-0. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2013). Creativity Meets Rationale – Collaboration Patterns for Social Innovation. In J. Carroll (ed.), Creativity and Rationale: Enhancing Human Experience by Design, Springer, Berlin. ISBN 978-1-4471-4110-5. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and M. Aakhus (2013). “It’s the Conversation, Stupid!” Social Media Systems Design for Open Innovation Communities. In J.E. Lundström et al. (eds.), Managing Open Innovation Technologies, Springer, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-642-31649-4. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- P. De Leenheer, P., A. de Moor, and S. Christiaens (2011). SBVR-Driven Information Governance: A Case Study in the Flemish Public Administration. In A. Elçi, M. T. Koné, & M. A. Orgun(eds.), Semantic Agent Systems, Springer, Berlin, pp.68-88. ISBN 978-3-642-31649-4. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2011). Knowledge Networks. In G.A. Barnett (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412979115. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2009). Optimizing Social Software Systems Design. In P. Hitzler and H. Scharfe (eds.), Conceptual Structures in Practice, Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 279-299. ISBN 978-1-4200-6062-1. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2008). Thinking Communities. In D. Schuler (ed.), Liberating Voices: A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 467-471. ISBN 978-0-262-19579-9. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- S. Christiaens, P. De Leenheer, A. de Moor, and R. Meersman (2008). Ontologising Competencies in an Interorganisational Setting. In M. Hepp, P. De Leenheer, A. de Moor, and Y. Sure (eds.), Ontology Management: Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications, Springer, Berlin, pp.265-288. ISBN 978-0-387-69899-1. [Abstract] [Publ]
- A. de Moor and H. Weigand (2005). Legitimacy Checking in Communicative Workflow Design. In S.O. Kimbrough and D.J. Wu (eds.), Formal Modelling in Electronic Commerce, Springer, London, ISBN 3-540-21431-3. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- M. Smits and A. de Moor (2004). Effectief Kennismanagement in Kennisintensieve Organisaties. In Stam, C., Evers, A., Leenheers, P., de Man, A. and van der Spek, R. (eds.), Kennisproductiviteit: Het Effect van Investeren in Mensen, Kennis en Leren, Pearson Education, Amsterdam, ISBN 90-430-0978-4. [Publ]
- A. de Moor and R. Kleef (2004). A Social Context Model for Discussion Process Analysis. In L. Hilty, E. Seifert, and R. Treibert (eds.), Information Systems for Sustainable Development, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA, ISBN 1-59140-343-X. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- R. Kleef and A. de Moor (2004). Communication Process Analysis in Virtual Communities on Sustainable Development. In A. Scharl (ed.), Environmental Online Communication, Springer, London, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing Series, ISBN 1-85233-783-4. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2004). Computerondersteund Onderwijs voor Grote Groepen. In A. Vedder (ed.), Aan het Werk met ICT in het Academisch Onderwijs – RechtenOnline, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, ISBN 90-5850-065-9. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and H. Weigand (2002). Towards a Semiotic Communications Quality Model. In Organizational Semiotics: Evolving a Science of Information Systems, Springer, New York, pp.275-285. ISBN 978-1-4020-7189-8.(This article is a revised version of the paper published in IFIP 2001) [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
Conference Papers
- L. Anastasiou, A. de Moor, B. Brayshay, A. De Liddo (2023). A Tale of Struggles: An Evaluation Framework for Transitioning from Individually Usable to Community-Useful Online Deliberation Tools. In The 11th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T) (C&T ’23), May 29–June 02, 2023, Lahti, Finland, ACM, New York, 12 pp. https://doi.org/10.1145/3593743.3593771 [Publ]
- A. de Moor, E. Papalioura, E. Taka, D. Rapti, A. Wolff, A. Knutas, T. te Velde and I. Mulder (2023). Collaborative Sensemaking of Design-Enabled Urban Innovations: The MappingDESIGNSCAPES Case. In R. Polovina, S. Polovina, and N. Kemp (eds.), Measuring Ontologies for Value Enhancement: Aligning Computing Productivity with Human Creativity for Societal Adaptation. MOVE 2020, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1694, Springer, Cham, pp. 203-226. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22228-3_9 [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, E. Papalioura, E. Taka, D. Rapti, A. Wolff, A. Knutas, and T. te Velde (2023). Participatory Collaboration Mapping of Design-Enabled Urban Innovations: The MappingDESIGNSCAPES Case. In R. Polovina, S. Polovina, and N. Kemp (eds.), Measuring Ontologies for Value Enhancement: Aligning Computing Productivity with Human Creativity for Societal Adaptation. MOVE 2020, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1694, Springer, Cham, pp. 171-202. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22228-3_8 [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- M. Marais, H. Lotriet, M. Matthee and A. de Moor (2022). The role of Social Capital in Sustainable ICT4D. In L. Stillman and M. Anwar (eds.), Proc. of the 20th CIRN Conference, Prato, Italy, 9-11 November, 2022, pp.128-147. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- D. Schuler, A. de Moor and G. Bryant (2020). New Community Research and Action Networks: Addressing Wicked Problems Using Patterns and Pattern Languages. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, pp. 330–337. https://doi.org/10.1145/3401335.3401818 [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2019). Citizen Sensing Communities: From Individual Empowerment to Collective Impact. In Proc. of the 17th CIRN Conference, Monash Centre, Prato Italy, 6 Nov – Friday, 8 Nov 2019, pp.91-101 [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2019). Co-Discovering Common Ground in a Collaborative Community: The BoostINNO Participatory Collaboration Mapping Case. In Proceedings of C&T 2019, June 3–7, 2019, Vienna, Austria
[Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2018). Common Agenda Setting through Participatory Collaboration Mapping: a Knowledge Base-Driven Approach. In Proc. of the 16th Prato CIRN Conference 24-28 October 2018, Monash Centre, Prato, Italy [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, N. White, and A. Bohn (2017). Using Participatory Community Network Mapping for Field Building: The INGENAES Conference Case. In 14th Prato CIRN Conference 25-27 October 2017, Monash Centre, Prato, Italy [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2016). Collaborative Sensemaking: Bootstrapping a Pattern-Driven Participatory Community Mapping Methodology. Accepted for Proc. of the 13th Prato CIRN Conference 2-4 November 2016, Monash Centre, Prato Italy (a revised version is to appear in the Journal of Community Informatics). [Abstract] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2015). Knowledge Weaving for Social Innovation: Laying the First Strand. In Proc. of the 12th Prato Community Informatics Research Network Conference, November 9-11, 2015, Prato, Italy , pp.51-64. ISBN 978-0-9874652-4-5. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. A. He, N. Memarovic, A. Sabiescu, A. de Moor (2015). CulTech2015: Cultural Diversity and Technology Design. In Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Limerick, Ireland, 27-30 June, 2015, pp.153-156. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2015). Towards a participatory community mapping method: the Tilburg urban farming community case. In Proc. of the Work-In-Progress Track of the 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Limerick, Ireland, 27-30 June, 2015. In: International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI), 12(1), pp.73-82. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2014). The “Kids’ Knowledge Base”: Connecting Junior Science to Society. In Proc. of Chi Sparks 2014 “Creating the Difference”, April 3, The Hague, the Netherlands. The Hague University of Applied Sciences, pp.108-111. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and R. van den Assem (2013). Public Libraries as Social Innovation Catalysts. In Proc. of the 10th Prato CIRN Conference “Nexus, Confluence, and Difference: Community Archives meets Community Informatics”, Prato, Italy, Oct 28-30 2013. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand and A. de Moor (2013). Improving Communication for Collaboration in Social Innovation Projects – A Framework for Pragmatic Research. In Proc. of the 2nd international SIGPrag Workshop on IT Artefact Design and Workpractice Improvement (ADWI-2013), June 5, 2013, Tilburg, the Netherlands [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2012). Towards Sheltered Communication Systems Design: A Socio-Technical Perspective. In Proc. of the 9th Community Informatics Research Network Conference, Prato, Italy, November 7-9, 2012. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2010). Using Collaboration Patterns for Contextualizing Roles in Community Systems Design. In Proc. of the 7th Community Informatics Research Network Conference, Prato, Italy, October 27-29, 2010. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2010). Conversations in Context: A Twitter Case for Social Media Systems Design (invited paper). In Proc. of I-SEMANTICS 2010, Graz, Austria, September 1-3, 2010 [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2009). Collaboration Patterns as Building Blocks for Community Informatics (invited paper). In Proc. of the 6th Community Informatics Research Network Conference, Prato, Italy, Nov 4-6, 2009. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, J. Park and M. Croitoru (2009). Argumentation Map Generation with Conceptual Graphs: the Case for ESSENCE. In Proc. of the 4th ICCS Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop (CS-TIW 2009), Moscow, Russia, July 25, 2009. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2008). Activating Online Collaborative Communities (invited paper). In Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Action in Language, Organisations, and Information Systems (ALOIS 2008), Venice, Italy, May 5-6, 2008. University of Trento, pp.97-108. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2007). A Practical Method for Courseware Evaluation. In Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on the Pragmatic Web (PragWeb 2007), Tilburg, the Netherlands, October 22-23, 2007. ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, Vol. 280, pp.57-63. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2007). The Pragmatic Evaluation of Tool System Interoperability (invited paper). In Proc. of the 2nd ICCS Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop (CS-TIW 2007), Sheffield, UK, July 22, 2007. Research Press International, Bristol, UK, pp.1-19. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and A. Anjewierden (2007). A Socio-Technical Approach for Topic Community Member Selection. In Proc. of the Third Communities and Technologies Conference, Michigan State University, USA, June 2007. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 225-244. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- B. Whitworth, A. de Moor, and T. Liu (2006). Towards a Theory of Online Social Rights. In Proc. of OTM Workshops 2006, Montpellier, France, October 29 – November 3, LNCS 4277, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 247-256. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- P. Spyns, A. de Moor, J. Vandenbussche, and R. Meersman (2006). From Folksologies to Ontologies: How the Twain Meet. In Proc. of the OTM Conference (1) 2006, Montpellier, France, October 29 – November 3, LNCS 4275, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 738-755. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2006). Community Memory Activation with Collaboration Patterns. In Proc. of the 3rd Prato International Community Informatics Conference (CIRN
2006), Prato, Italy, 9-11 October, 2006. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, P. De Leenheer, and R. Meersman (2006). DOGMA-MESS: A Meaning Evolution Support System for Interorganizational Ontology Engineering. In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2006), Aalborg, Denmark, July 17-21, 2006. LNCS 4068, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp.189-202. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- S. Christiaens and A. de Moor (2006). Tool Interoperability from the Trenches: the Case of DOGMA-MESS. In Proc. of the 1st ICCS Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop (CS-TIW 2006), Aalborg, Denmark, July 16, 2006. Aalborg University Press. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and H. Delugach (2006). Software Process Validation: Comparing Process and Practice Models. In Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD 2006), Luxembourg, June 5-6, 2006, CaiSE 2006 Workshop Proceedings, Presses Universitaires de Namur. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2005). Towards Ontology-Guided Design of Learning Information Systems. In R. Meersman et al., eds., Proc. of OTM Workshops 2005, Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 31 – November 4, LNCS 3762, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1190-1199. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2005). Towards a Design Theory for Community Information Systems. In Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2005), Las Vegas, July 2005. Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., Mahwah, NY. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2005). Patterns for the Pragmatic Web (invited paper). In Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2005), Kassel, Germany, July 2005. LNAI 3596, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-18. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Delugach and A. de Moor (2005). Difference Graphs. In Common Semantics for Sharing Knowledge: Contributions to ICCS 2005. 13th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2005 Kassel, Germany, July 2005. Kassel University Press, pp. 41-53. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- P. De Leenheer and A. de Moor (2005). Context-driven Disambiguation in Ontology Elicitation. In Shvaiko, P. and Euzenat, J. (eds.), Context and Ontologies: Theory, Practice, and Applications, Proc. of the 1st Context and Ontologies Workshop of the 20th American Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Innovative Applications of AI (AAAI/IAAI 2005), Pittsburgh, PA, July 9, 2005. AAAI Press, pp. 17-24. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand and A. de Moor (2005). Linking Event-driven and Communication Oriented Business Modelling. In Proc. of the 10th International Working Conference on The Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling, Kiruna, Lapland, Sweden, June 19 – 20, 2005, pp. 107-118. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and H. Weigand (2005). Communication Pattern Analysis in Communities of Practice. In Proc. of the 10th International Working Conference on The Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling, Kiruna, Lapland, Sweden, June 19 – 20, 2005, pp. 23-29. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2005). Ontology-Guided Meaning Negotiation in Communities of Practice. In P. Mambrey and W. Graether (eds.), Proc. of the Workshop on the Design for Large-Scale Digital Communities at the 2nd International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T 2005), Milano, Italy, June 2005, pp. 21-28 [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- L. Efimova and A. de Moor (2005). Beyond Personal Webpublishing: An Exploratory Study of Conversational Blogging Practices. In Proc. of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Big Island, Hawaii, 3-6 January, 2005. IEEE Press. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and J. Wagenvoort (2004). Conflict Management in an Online Gaming Community. In Proc. of the Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) 2004 Conference, Prato, Italy, September 29 – October 1. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2004). Improving the Testbed Development Process in Collaboratories. In Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Huntsville, Alabama, July 19-23, 2004, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and S. van Erp (2004). Community Dynamics in an Online Law Journal. In Proc. of the 17th Bled eCommerce Conference, Bled, Slovenia, June 21-23, 2004. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and L. Efimova (2004). An Argumentation Analysis of Weblog Conversations. In Proc. of the 9th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP 2004), Rutgers University, New Jersey, June 2-3, 2004. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand and A. de Moor (2004). Argumentation Semantics of Communicative Action. In Proc. of the 9th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP 2004), Rutgers University, New Jersey, June 2-3, 2004. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and H. Weigand (2004). Effective Communication in Virtual Adversarial Collaborative Communities (top paper). Paper presented at 54th Annual International Communication Association Conference: Communication in the Public Interest, New Orleans, May 27-31, 2004. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- M. Smits and A. de Moor (2004). Effective Knowledge Management in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. In Proc. of the Fifth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities, April 2-3, 2004, Innsbruck, Austria. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2004). Strengthening Civil Society by Developing Stakeholder Communities Using Intermedia. In Proc. of the Building & Bridging Community Networks: Knowledge, Innovation & Diversity through Communication Conference, Brighton, March 31-April 2, 2004. [Abstract] [PDF]
- M. Smits and A. de Moor (2004). Measuring Knowledge Management Effectiveness in Communities of Practice (best paper nomination). In Proc. of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’04), Big Island, Hawaii, Jan. 5-8. IEEE Computer Society Press. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and W.J. van den Heuvel (2004). Web Service Selection in Virtual Communities. In Proc. of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’04), Big Island, Hawaii, Jan. 5-8. IEEE Computer Society Press. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and M. Aakhus (2003). Argumentation Support: From Technologies to Tools. In Proc. of the 8th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP 2003), Tilburg, The Netherlands, July 1-2, pp. 135-141. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand, F. van der Poll, and A. de Moor (2003). Coordination through Communication. In Proc. of the 8th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP 2003), Tilburg, The Netherlands, July 1-2, pp. 115-134. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, M. Keeler, and G. Richmond (2002). Towards a Pragmatic Web. In Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2002), Borovets, Bulgaria, July 15. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No. 2393, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.235-249. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2002). Making Doug’s Dream Come True: Collaboratories in Context. In Proc. of the PORT’s Pragmatic Web Workshop, Borovets, Bulgaria, July 15. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand, A. de Moor (2002). Searching for Communication Norms. In Proc. of the Seventh International Workshop on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP 2002), Delft, The Netherlands, June 12-13. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- F. van der Poll, H. Weigand, A. de Moor (2002). Communication Diagnosis of a Financial Service Process. In Proc. of the Seventh International Workshop on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP 2002), Delft, The Netherlands, June 12-13., pp.118-134. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2002). Evaluating Methods for Community IS Development. In Proc. of the 7th CAiSE/IFIP WG8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD-2002), Toronto, May 27-28, pp.152-159. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- B.Whitworth and A. de Moor (2002). Legitimate by Design: Towards Trusted Virtual Community Environments. In Proc. of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, January 7-10, 2002. IEEE Computer Society Press. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and R. Kleef (2001). Authoring Tools for Effective Societal Discourse. In Proc. of the 15th International Informatics for Environmental Protection Symposium: Sustainability in the Information Society, October 10-12 2001, Zurich, pp.751-756. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and Willem-Jan van den Heuvel (2001). Making Virtual Communities Work: Matching Their Functionalities. In Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2001), July 30-August 3, 2001, Stanford, CA, USA. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No.2120, Springer-Verlag, Berlin pp.260-274. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and Hans Weigand (2001). Towards a Semiotic Communications Quality Model. In IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Organizational Semiotics: Evolving a Science of Information Systems, 23-25 July 2001, Montreal, Canada. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand and A. de Moor (2001). A Framework for the Normative Analysis of Workflow Loops. In Proc. of the Sixth International Workshop on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP2001), 21-22 July 2001, Montreal, Canada, pp.31-49. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- M.A. Jeusfeld and A. de Moor (2001). Concept Integration Precedes Enterprise Integration. In Proc. of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Maui, January 3-6, 2001. IEEE Computer Society Press. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2000). The Initialization of Conversations for Specification: A Context of Social Norms. In Proc. of the Fifth International Workshop on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP2000), 14-16 September 2000, Aachen, Germany, pp.1-20. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2000). Composition Norm Dynamics Calculation with Conceptual Graphs. In Proc. of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptual Structures – Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues (ICCS 2000), Darmstadt, Germany, August 2000. Lecture Notes in AI, No.1867, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.522-535. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand, A. de Moor, W.J. van den Heuvel (2000). Supporting the Evolution of Workflow Patterns for Virtual Communities. In Proc. of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, January 4-8, 2000. IEEE Computer Society Press. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. Weigand, S. Hoppenbrouwers, A. de Moor (1999). The Context of Conversations – Texts and Communities. In Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on the Language Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP’99), Copenhagen, September 12-13, 1999, pp.1-14. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, H. Weigand (1999). An Ontological Framework for User-Driven System Specification. In Proc. of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Maui, January 5-8, 1999. IEEE Computer Society Press. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, G. Mineau (1998). Handling Specification Knowledge Evolution Using Context Lattices. In Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Conceptual Structures – Conceptual Structures: Theory, Tools, and Applications (ICCS’98), Montpellier, France, August 1998. Lecture Notes in AI, No.1453, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.416-430. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- I. Hawryszkiewycz, A. de Moor (1998). A Workflow Approach to Designing Cooperative Systems. In Proc. of the Third International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP’98), Cannes, May 26-29, 1998, pp.165-174. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- H. van der Blonk, A. de Moor (1998). Understanding Internet-Mediated Research Networks. Can We Really Make Them Work? In Proc. of the Internet Research and Information for Social Scientists Conference (IRISS’98), Bristol, UK, March 25-27, 1998. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (1997). Applying Conceptual Graph Theory to the User-Driven Specification of Network Information Systems. In Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Conceptual Structures – Conceptual Structures: Fulfilling Peirce’s Dream (ICCS’97), Seattle, USA, August 3-8, 1997, pp.536-550. Lecture Notes in AI, No.1257, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, N. van der Rijst (1996). Fostering Active User Involvement in the Specification of Network Information Systems. In Proc. of the 1996 Interdisciplinary Information Science Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, December 13, 1996, pp.105-118. [Abstract] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, H. Weigand (1996). The Role of Social Constraints in the Design of Research Network Information Systems. In Proc. of Eco-Informa ’96, Global Networks for Environmental Information, Orlando, November 4-7, 1996, pp.672-677. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (1996). Coordinating the Specification Process of Research Network Information Systems: Methodological Design Principles. In Proc. of the 14th International Association of Management Conference, Toronto, August 3-6, 1996, pp.95-103. [Abstract] [Publ [PDF]
- N. van der Rijst, A. de Moor (1996). The Development of Reference Models for the RENISYS Specification Method. In Proc. of the 29th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Maui, January 3-6, 1996, pp. 455-464. IEEE Computer Society Press. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, N. van der Rijst (1995). Toward a Dynamic, Context-Sensitive Research Network Information System Specification Method. In Proc. of the 13th International Association of Management Conference, Vancouver, August 2-5, 1995, pp.108-117. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
Research Reports
- A. de Moor and M. Smits (2004). An Indicator Wizard for the Knowledge Governance Framework: Using System Dyamics to Implement the KGF. METIS Project Report TI/RS/2004/116, Telematica Instituut, Enschede. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- M. Smits and A. de Moor (2003). Effective Knowledge Management in Project-Based Organisations. METIS Project Report TI/RS/2003/071, Telematica Instituut, Enschede. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor and M. Smits (2002). Key Performance Indicators for Knowledge Management in a Community of Practice. METIS Project Report TI/RS/2002/142, Telematica Instituut, Enschede, 38 pp. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- M. Heng and A. de Moor (2000). An Internet-Based Electronic Forum as a Habermasian Form of Societal Discourse. Research Memorandum 2000-14, Free University of Amsterdam, June 2000, 22 pp. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (1995). The Development of a Research Network Information System Specification Method. Research Memorandum FEW 707, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tilburg University, October 1995, 61 pp. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor, C. Egelie (1995). Information Services: Evaluatie Projectresultaten, SURFnet Project Report, April 1995. [Abstract] [Publ] [HTML]
Other Publications
- A. de Moor and P. Wolkowinski (2017). From co-visualising the ‘in between’ to more integrated policies and actions? Mapping common ground in European social innovation projects. URBACT website, 26 September 2017 [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- E. van der Heijden and A. de Moor (2012). De Openbare Bibliotheek als Stadslab. InformatieProfessional, januari/februari 2012, pp.26-30. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- P. De Leenheer, A. de Moor, S. Christiaens (2010). Metadataroadmap voor de Vlaamse Overheid: een Berekende Sprong naar Informatiematuriteit. Informatie, Juni 2010, pp.24-31. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2003). Systeemontwikkeling in Virtuele Gemeenschappen: Van Bouw naar Selectie van Software. IT-Monitor, 10:4-7. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (2000). De GIW2000: Van Anonieme Desktop tot Persoonlijke Werkplek. Kubit, 7(1). [Abstract] [Publ] [HTML] [PDF]
- A. de Moor (1999). Virtuele Professionele Gemeenschappen op het Internet. IT-Monitor 9:10-12 & 10:15. [Abstract] [Publ] [PDF]
Last updated: February 15, 2023