
In defence of Twitter, but not X

This post was inspired by something that has been bothering me about the exodus from Twitter: the moral pressure to leave that is being exerted on those who – for now – out of necessity still remain there.

While, of course, I see the danger of autocratic plutocrats controlling our global communication infrastructure, and yes, we should move toward publicly owned social media platforms, we face a practical dilemma. Ideally, we’d instantly switch to a smooth, decentralized, user-friendly Fediverse-like infrastructure that prevents dictatorial control while maintaining effective global reach for mass emancipatory movements. Sadly, we don’t live in that ideal world. In reality, Twitter (which I refuse to call X, as Twitter is the community, while X is the hijacked technical platform) remains a powerful global network for climate action, Gaza advocacy, COVID research, and many other similar, often fragile social movements.… Read more...

Posted by Aldo de Moor in CommunitySense, 0 comments

Yes We Can 2.0

It’s amazing what transformative power Web 2.0 services are increasingly making available to everybody at (almost) no cost. Using Animoto “The End of Slideshows” I just made a professional looking video supported by (Creative Commons)-music out of my collection of 1993 Clayoquot Sound uprising-pics for only US$ 3,- (30 sec videos are even free):

Compare this to the static slideshows “of old”.

Of course, such “fast and furious” MTV-style videos are not always the best choice, but they could play an important role in energizing, for example, youth to participate in community-building campaigns.

Happy Change Year!

Posted by Aldo de Moor in Tools, 0 comments