Second Life is hot. Just having attended the Interdisciplinary Second Life Workshop at the University of Twente, on June 21 another workshop on this themewas organized at Tilburg University by TILT (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society), together with ECP.NL, a national platform which tries to improve the Dutch international competitive position with respect to the information society and economy. Although many of the issues were related, the focus was slightly different. The symposion was in Dutch, but the (sometimes translated) titles of the presentations should give a good idea what this was all about:
- Barend Raaff (DNB Media): Guided Tour through Second Life
- Arno Lodder (Free University Amsterdam): Best of Both Worlds: Physical Characteristics in an Electronic Environment – About Education and Conflict Resolution in Virtual Three-Dimensional Worlds
- Jacob van Kokswijk (University of Twente): Virtuality and Interreality
- Kees Stuurman (TILT): Rules of the Game or Rules of Law?
- Ronald Leenes (TILT): Privacy in Second Life: Who Needs it?