
Mapping the social innovation ecosystems around public libraries together: the Czech connection(s)

Public libraries are cornerstones of civil society. They form the “third places” where individual citizens meet and mingle, get informed, learn, as well as form and share opinions. Increasingly, however, public libraries are also seen as the meeting and co-working hubs of the many communities making up the rich fabric of urban society. Thus, public libraries are getting new, societal roles as city labs and social innovation catalysts.

The Tilburg Public Library  is known for its groundbreaking library innovations, such as the recently opened LocHal, which is truly a “world-class urban living room for Tilburg in an iconic former locomotive shed of the Dutch National Railways”. More about that in a future post. Another one of its strategic innovations concerns the KnowledgeCloud, the “network in which persons, communities and organisations meet one another both online and offline to discuss current, societally relevant themes”.… Read more...

Posted by Aldo de Moor in CommunitySense, Projects, Services, 2 comments

Community mapping with Kumu: making sense of your community network

Collaborative sensemaking

Communities are the building blocks of collaboration in today’s networked organizations. They consist of people working together for mutual benefit, developing strong relations, and weaving a web of vibrant interactions.

Communities of practice, communities of interest, innovation communities, and so on, help to bridge knowledge gaps and cross collaboration barriers within and between organizations. However, successful communities do not emerge just like that. They often emerge in a very fragmented collaborative landscape of diverse stakeholders, activities, and resources.

To improve their collaboration, community members and stakeholders therefore need to continually make sense of it. This collaborative sensemaking involves developing a common process of reaching a shared understanding about their collaboration, including the various perspectives and interests of the community members and surrounding stakeholder network.… Read more...

Posted by Aldo de Moor in CommunitySense, Services, 0 comments

Strategy interviews

CommunitySense now offers a new service, strategy interviews, which may be of interest to you if you are a  management level professional. Such a one-on-one  interview allows you to break away from day to day operational issues and instead to jointly reflect upon the important questions: what is the mission of my organization or department? What values are we after? What services do and should we provide? Where do I want us to be a couple of years from now, and so on.

The interview takes place in a relaxing setting and can range from a couple of hours to half a day. I will prepare a couple of questions to get the interview going, and will process and structure your answers in an interview report.… Read more...

Posted by Aldo de Moor in CommunitySense, Services, 0 comments