Your problem
Do you need to build collaborative common ground between stakeholders in your organization, network, or community? Do you want to make more effective use of the Internet and other ICTs? Would you like to focus on what unites instead of divides and bring (back) the trust, energy and fun in your collaboration? Are you looking for somebody with the expertise to design participatory & innovative community-based solutions to improve your way of working together?
My company
CommunitySense is the research consultancy firm owned and run by Aldo de Moor. Through my company, I help to translate state-of-the-art research insights into working communities for clients. With over 25 years of experience in both academic research and business consultancy, I bring a unique mix of expertise and experience from the field of community informatics to help tackle your thorny organizational problems. See my numerous scientific publications as well as a sample of the many real-world projects I have been working on to get an idea of how my services may help you.