Aldo de Moor, PhD
I am a research consultant with much academic and practical experience in Community Informatics. I am connected to a large international network of researchers and practitioners.
My main R&D expertise is in participatory community network mapping and collaborative sensemaking, collaboration systems analysis & design, and the societal impact of the Internet. Over the years, I have applied this knowledge in many different consultancy projects, with as a central theme to let stakeholders become more aware of their collaborative common ground and use this insight to strengthen their collaboration. See more about me and CommunitySense.
Cypresstraat 24
5038 KS Tilburg
The Netherlands
Mobile / Skype
+31-647011400 / aldodemoor
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- Dutch Chamber of Commerce Trade Register nr. 18088302
- Benelux Trademarks Register nr. BNL 829730